Frequently Asked Questions

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Online Event Basics FAQs

What are the different types of online events?

Online events are becoming increasingly popular, as businesses are transitioning their traditional in-person events online. It’s essential to understand the different types of online and virtual events.

Each virtual event type includes its own unique features and provides various business benefits:

  • Webinars: online seminars that enable presenters to connect with audiences and exchange information
  • Webcasts: a high-quality, polished live video stream of an event or conference
  • Virtual conferences: replicates a traditional conference in an online environment
  • Virtual college open days: replicate traditional physical college or university open houses virtually
  • Virtual open houses: property realtors host virtual open houses by streaming them online for audiences
  • Virtual trade shows: allows exhibitors and visitors to interact online environment, rather than at a physical trade show
  • Virtual careers fairs: allow employers to connect with job seekers in a virtual environment, rather than in-person
  • Virtual benefits fairs: enable employers to communicate the benefits provided to their employees at scale through an interactive online environment

Learn more about WorkCast's virtual event solutions.

What is a webinar and how does it work?

A webinar is an online seminar that allows you or a presenter, to connect with your audience and share information online. Simply put, webinar means: web + seminar = webinar.

Webinars are either live or on-demand events and take place on the internet in the form of a presentation, discussion, lecture, or conference. Using a combination of assets, webinars use PowerPoint slides, webcams, a screenshare, pre-recorded MP4s, and accompanying audio.

Webinars can be used for corporate communications, lead generation, product demonstrations, and more. They reach audiences ranging from one person to thousands of people. Audiences sign-up using a registration form, then attend either a live or pre-recorded event.

Learn more in our blog: What is a Webinar?

How do I host a webinar?

When it comes to hosting your own webinar, you can create a webinar from scratch in 10 easy steps:

  1. Choose your organizer, presenter, and moderator
  2. Select your webinar format i.e. presentation, discussion, Q&A, etc
  3. Design your assets and video for your webinar
  4. Select your webinar platform, like WorkCast Stratus
  5. Set up your webinar presentation in the right environment with suitable equipment
  6. Promote your webinar using social media, email marketing, landing pages, and website banners
  7. Choose the best day and time to run your webinar for maximum attendance
  8. Select your topic and create engaging content to captivate your audience
  9. Practice, practice, practice - do several dry runs
  10. Follow up with your audience post-webinar and send them a follow-up email with a link to the recorded webinar to extend its shelf life

Learn more in our blog: The Beginner's Guide to Webinars

What are the benefits of webinars?

People often ask: “What’s the purpose of a webinar?”.

Webinars are powerful tools for marketers and present many advantages. The top 3 benefits of webinars include the following:

1. Increase your engagement: Webinars allow you to interact with your audience and have meaningful two-way communication, rather than just talking at them. Your audience can ask questions, answer polls and engage directly with you in real-time.

2. Supercharge your lead generation: Webinars are an effective way to increase your lead generation. By presenting on a topic relevant to your industry, you’ll not only position your company as a thought leader, but you’ll also introduce new leads to your business.

3. Awesome brand experience: Webinars help you to make your brand stand out. Great webinars should be fully customizable, so you can create a fun and engaging brand experience for your audience.

Are webinars effective?

“Are webinars effective?” The short answer: yes. Measuring the ROI of webinars can be difficult at times, however, webinars increase audience engagement, boost your lead generation and create awesome brand experiences for your attendees. You’re essentially building trust with your audience and creating value for lead prospects throughout the entire customer journey - from awareness to closed deal.

Webinars are effective as they help to generate sales for businesses by generating high-quality leads that your sales team can later use to initiate personalized outreach.

As long as marketers understand how to best utilize and measure webinars, then companies can continue to use this cost-effective B2B marketing tool successfully in the future.

What is a webcast and how does it work?

A webcast is a live video stream of an event or conference. Webcasts are polished, high-quality videos that bring your event to life on the internet.

Learn more about how webcasts work and what they are with our Webcasting 101 blog.

What's the difference between a webinar and webcast?

Webinars and webcasts are both referred to as online events and help presenters connect with audiences. But there are some key differences.

Learn more in our blog: Webinar vs Webcast: What's the Difference?

How do you run a webcast?

There are a few simple steps to follow when running a successful webcast.

Luckily, we've got a professional support team that can guide you all the way to creating a brilliant webcast for your business.

You'll find more information about how to run a webcast in our blog.

How do you host a live webcast?

Hosting or presenting any live event is a skill that's worth brushing up on.

Hosting a webcast brings its own challenges, even with years of experience speaking in front of audiences.

Check out our top ten tips for hosting a webcast.

What is a virtual event?

Virtual events are large, multi-session online events that can feature both webinars and webcasts.

Virtual events are ideal for industry conferences, virtual open days, expos, and trade shows.

virtual events are suitable for any event that features multiple presentations, discussion rooms, or brand experiences to engage your audience.

The most basic definition of a virtual event is an online event that involves people interacting in a virtual environment, rather than a physical location.

They are highly interactive and give a similar look and feel to a physical event.

How do you host a virtual event?

Virtual events have been growing in popularity in recent years, as businesses want to extend the reach of their events to audiences worldwide. But how do you host a virtual event?

Much like any event, running a virtual event involves a lot of planning and preparation. Regardless of whether you’re running a virtual conference or a virtual open house for a college, you can follow these simple steps to ensure the success of your virtual event:

  1. Understand your audience and the why of your virtual event
  2. Choose your team i.e. presenters, speakers, guests, moderators, and more
  3. Select the best day and time to host your virtual event for maximum attendance
  4. Define your format and interactive content e.g. live webcasts, webinars, Q&A, discussions, and more
  5. Select your platform for hosting the virtual event e.g. WorkCast Stratus
  6. Choose your hook/topic and create engaging content
  7. Promote your online event via social media, email marketing, landing pages, websites and more, to attract registrants
  8. Practice, practice, practice - complete several dry runs to you and your speakers are prepared
  9. Run a test stream (if you’re streaming live) to test your internet and audio levels before going live
  10. Follow up with attendees by sending a thank you email and a link to any downloadable assets post-event

Learn more about how our virtual event planners can create your best event. 

What is Simulive?

Simulive is an amalgamation of a pre-recorded webinar and a live interaction (simulated+live = simulive). This allows you to pre-record a video or webinar presentation ahead of your live broadcast, without comprising the opportunity to interact with your attendees in real-time on the day. Learn more about simulive online events.

Does a webinar require webcam?

No, a webinar does not require a webcam. Webinars use a combination of assets, including PowerPoint slides, screenshare, pre-recorded mp4s, and webcams.

However, it’s up to you which assets you would like to use for your webinar.

So, if you are not comfortable sharing your webcam, or do not have one, you can instead opt for presentation slides and audio, or screenshare and slides, or various other combinations.

What's the difference between a chat and Q&A?

Webinar chat is much like a group chat functionality. Participants and presenters can communicate in a conversational manner. Presenters can also have private chats with any of the registered attendees easily within the attendee chat module. Think small talk with the person sitting next to you (but they can be anywhere in the world).

Q&A is between one participant and the presenters. It allows attendees to ask private questions about your content. If the presenter wants to, they can publish their answer, along with the question to all attendees. Just like a question panel.

How do I host a virtual conference?

Hosting or presenting any live event is a skill that's worth brushing up on.

Hosting a virtual conference brings its own challenges, even with years of experience speaking in front of audiences.

Our virtual conferences guide covers everything you need to know about hosting a virtual conference.


Attending Online Events FAQs

I can’t find the link to a webinar I'm attending. How do I find it?

If you’re attending a webinar on the WorkCast platform hosted by one of our clients and have already registered, then you will be able to find the link to your chosen webinar on the webinar confirmation, or ‘thank you’ page. You will also receive a confirmation email, which will have all of the relevant links.

Once you have registered you also have the option of adding the webinar to your calendar, which saves the link to the live webinar in your saved calendar event. That way, you can simply click the link when you’re ready to attend the webinar to navigate to the auditorium.

If you’re still unable to find the link to the webinar, you can talk to one of our expert support staff using the live chat pop-up on our site, or contact us online and someone from Team WorkCast will get back to you.

How do I attend an event on WorkCast?

If you want to attend a webinar that's run on the WorkCast platform, you can do so by following these simple steps:

  1. Register for the event by filling out the online form on the Registration page.
  2. 5-10 minutes before the webinar begins, click ‘Join the Event’.
  3. You’ll be taken to the event Auditorium, so press play and wait for the event to start.

There are no plugins or downloads needed to watch a webinar on the WorkCast platform, so all you need to do is join the event and ensure that you have high-quality headphones or speakers on your viewing device. WorkCast is also available on any device, so you can attend your webinar on any device - smartphone, laptop, Mac, or tablet.

If you would prefer to watch the on-demand version of the webinar, rather than the live event, you can attend the webinar by simply clicking through to the on-demand link provided by the presenter and viewing the event there. However, keep in mind that you still have to register to access the on-demand event.

Often, attendee phone dial-in isn’t required, but if the webinar presenter chooses this option, you will be provided with a dial-in number, session pin, and individual user pin for the event when you register.

Can the presenter see you in a webinar?

No. The presenter cannot see or hear you, or the rest of the audience throughout the duration of the webinar presentation, however, you may be able to submit questions to the presenter during a live session and answer polls.

Can I attend a webinar on my phone?

Yes. You can attend any WorkCast webinar on your phone. With no downloads, no plugins, and no barriers, our webinar platform allows you to watch your webinar on any device, including mobile devices operating on iOS and Android. This means you can attend a webinar on your mobile, wherever you are - whether you’re commuting to work or on your lunch break.

Can you record a webinar?

The simple answer is yes. Both webinar presenters and attendees can record a webinar.

For presenters and hosts who are wondering how to create a recorded webinar, the Workcast platform records all presentations that are broadcast in the Auditorium, which means all recorded content will be on-hand to use at a later date.

Presenters can then create an on-demand version of their webinar by uploading the recorded live event, which clones the live event, so that users can access the webinar at their leisure.

If you’re an attendee that is looking to record the webinar for your own reference later, then the best means of doing so is to reach out to the webinar host and request a link to the on-demand version of the online event.

However, if for whatever reason you wish to record the webinar yourself and share it with your team at a later date, then there are free screen recording tools, such as SnagIt, that allow you to record presentations to save for later.

Can I record a webinar on my Mac?

The simple answer is yes. Both webinar presenters and attendees can record a webinar on a Mac.

For presenters and hosts who are wondering how to create a recorded webinar, the Workcast platform records all presentations that are broadcast in the Auditorium, which means all recorded content will be on-hand to use at a later date.

Presenters can then create an on-demand version of their webinar by uploading the recorded live event, which clones the live event so that users can access the webinar at their leisure.

If you’re an attendee that is looking to record the webinar for your own reference later, then the best means of doing so is to reach out to the webinar host and request a link to the on-demand version of the online event.

However, if for whatever reason you wish to record the webinar yourself and share it with your team at a later date, then there are free screen recording tools that allow you to record presentations to save for later.

Do I need to sign up for a free trial to attend a webinar?

No, you don’t need to sign up for a free trial to attend a webinar from WorkCast or one of our customers (unless the webinar requires a fee, and then you will need to pay to attend when you register). To attend a webinar, all you need to do is register to attend via an online registration form.

Only users who would like to try the WorkCast Stratus platform for 14 days need to sign up for a free trial. Alternatively, you can get a free demo with one of our webinar experts.

Can the audience talk during the webinar?

No. An audience member can't talk but they can chat with the presenter or moderator during the webinar via the Attendee Chat pod, either privately or publicly. Attendees can submit their questions to you, however, it’s up to the presenter to respond. They can do so in real-time during the webinar, or simply send their response via the Attendee Chat pod.

Moderators can also start a 1-to-1 chat with attendees from within the Private Chat tab, or a public chat within the All Chat tab.

How do attendees submit a question?

If attendees have a question to ask during a webinar they can submit their question using the 'Ask a Question' function within the Auditorium. This function allows users to simply type their questions into the questions module, so the presenter can respond in a timely manner. When the presenter answers your question they have the option to respond privately or publicly, however, the presenter may decide not to answer all questions to avoid repeating themselves.

How can I view captions on the webinar?

Some webinars may have caption options available in the media player itself by the event producer. If they have you will see a CC icon in the media player bar. This will be on an event by event basis.

If you're using Google Chrome you can add captions at any time for any event by following these instructions.

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Pricing and Packages

How much does WorkCast cost & what webinar packages do you have?

We offer a wide range of packages to suit different business needs. Check out our pricing for more information on what's included.

Can I try WorkCast for free?

If you’re still deciding whether WorkCast is the right webinar platform for you and your business, then you’ll be happy to know that you can try WorkCast for free with our 14-day trial.

Get a free trial of WorkCast. You’ll be able to run live webinars with no plugins, no downloads, and no barriers for attendees, create custom, branded webinars, and create bespoke landing pages and event emails.

With our webinar trial, you can supercharge your lead generation, increase audience engagement and grow your business - all completely free of charge.

Can I get a free demo of WorkCast?

Absolutely. You can request a free demo with one of our experts who will take you through our platform and show you how it works

I want to purchase a one-off webinar. Can I pay per use?

The short answer is yes, you can pay per use. WorkCast has multiple webinar packages to suit your business needs. If you wish to run a one-off premium managed webinar you can speak to one of our event experts to discuss your individual webinar requirements, so that we can give you a quote.

Can I purchase an annual license for WorkCast?

Yes, you can purchase an annual license for WorkCast. Whether you’re opting for our Lite, Pro, or our Enterprise package, each of these plans is offered as an annual license, which customers can pay per month. For more information about what features and capabilities are available within each of our packages, you can visit WorkCast’s full list of prices and packages.

Technical Requirements FAQs

What plugins do I need for my webinar?

None. Our webinar platform requires no plugins or downloads, which is why our webinars work on all devices.

What webinar software do I need to download?

None. Our webinar software requires no downloads or plugins, so you can watch your webinars on any device, wherever you are in the world. We offer webinars with no downloads and no limits.

What browser should I use for my webinar?

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera browsers work best. But almost any will work.

A Workcast event will work on all major platforms and in all major browsers because we use standard web-based technology.

The webinar experience will be tailored based on the viewer’s platform and features available within the viewer’s browser, including HTML5, flash, and other attributes.

The WorkCast webinar platform can be configured to deliver content using secure (HTTPS) or unsecure (HTTP) communication protocols. HTTPS requires TCP port 443 and HTTP requires TCP port 80 to be opened through your firewall for both inbound and outbound traffic.

In order to enable our full feature-rich viewing and interactive experience, we advise that JavaScript be enabled. Cookie support is an added bonus to help enrich the experience but is not essential for viewing.

What if my company's firewalls don't allow the webinar stream?

WorkCast doesn't require downloads or plugins to join the event, but some firewalls will block live streaming. If your company isn't able to allow WorkCast, don't fret! You can join the event on your mobile device (wifi recommended), switch to a public wifi connection, or catch the on-demand recording at a later date. The on-demand version of every webinar will be sent out following the initial broadcast, so you can watch it at your leisure.

Can I password protect my online event?

Yes! WorkCast offers a wide range of Single Sign-On Solutions‎ (SSO) to provide that extra security to your event that you need. The WorkCast Customer Success Team can provide additional details upon request.

Can I limit who accesses my online event?

You can restrict and open access to your webinar or online event within the WorkCast Studio by using the ‘status lock session’ pod. This allows you to manually open or lock access to your main webinar page prior to the event, without restricting users from registering for the event. So, if users click the ‘Join Event’ button when the event is locked, they will be directed to a holding page, with a customizable holding message.

However, you can use the ‘lock bypass’ key to allow hosts or presenters to manually access the page. Alternatively, you can open and limit access to the event by utilizing the ‘lock schedule set up’ function, so you can schedule the specific date and time in which the main event page is available to users.

WorkCast Functionality

How do I create an on-demand event?

You can create an on-demand webinar within the WorkCast platform once you have run your live event by following these simple steps:

Navigate to ‘Events’ in the top navigation and you will see a bar across the top of the page showing the sessions available to publish as on-demand
Navigate to your chosen event session and click the 'Create On Demand' button
You have now created an on-demand session within the event. You will notice that there are now 2 sessions in your event and you are editing the new on-demand session
Click ‘Publish On Demand’ to make the on demand event active
Your event is now available on-demand to audiences on the same URL as the earlier live event.

How do I embed my webinar on my website?

To run a live or on-demand webinar on your own website or landing page, you must first ensure that you have your event set up within your WorkCast account - complete with slides and audio.

If you are a Producer+ license holder you must add your domain where your embed code is being placed in your account by following these steps:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click into the cog on the right-hand side
  3. A drop-down list will appear, so click 'Administration'
  4. You will then see 'Manage Domains', then click in to 'Manage Domains'
  5. Add your domain e.g. Your Website Domain: - You add

The next step applies to both Present+ and Producer+ license users. You can add the embed code to your website by doing the following:

  1. Log in to your WorkCast Account and navigate to the Events tab
  2. Head down to the Event Setup section and click on Event Experience
  3. Click on the Document Icon on the right-hand side. You’ll see a pop-up, titled Event Session Embed, so select your Embed Code Type (i.e. Standard Integration or you Marketing Automation Integration program)
  4. Choose your Embed Code Domain and select the domain you wish to embed on from the dropdown list
  5. Once you have chosen these two options, the Embed Code HTML will generate in the text box below
  6. Select all and copy to clipboard option and paste this into the section of your website you wish to embed your event
Can I replay my webinars?

Yes, as well as running live events, Producer+ users can create scheduled webinar replay, or Simulive events. Simulive events use pre-recorded media to stream your webinar at a scheduled time, so you’ll need to set them up as a ‘live event’, but there is no real-time interaction between the audience and the event organizer or presenters. Learn about why you should run simulive events on our blog.

How do I use polls in my webinar?

Presenters can set up and conduct polls in their webinars by adding a poll to your webinar navigation within the WorkCast platform. You must then submit the polling question you wish to ask the audience, along with the set of potential answers in any of the following formats:

  • Checkbox List
  • Dropdown List
  • Radio List
  • Text Field

You can make answering these polling questions mandatory by selecting the option ‘Is Required’. You can use polls during both pre-recorded and live webinars, however, if you’re using the function during a live webinar you just need to make sure that the Event Polls pod is displayed within the WorkCast Studio.

How do I upload my own splash image?

One of the benefits of WorkCast’s platform is that you can customize it to include your own company’s branding. One way in which you can do this is to upload your own splash image, as it’s the gateway to your event and the first thing your audience sees when they click through to the Auditorium.

You can upload your own splash image by following these simple steps:

For an individual event:

  1. Click ‘Event Experiences’ -> ‘Extras’ tab -> Press ‘Splash Upload’ at the bottom
  2. Upload your image, either from your library or personal computer
  3. Save the changes

For your entire account:

  1. Click the account settings cog (top right)
  2. Press Edit my Profile -> Administration
  3. Select ‘Account Splash Image’
  4. Choose your splash image and save changes
Does WorkCast provide webinar integrations?

Yes, WorkCast has an advanced data mapping engine that allows our webinar platform to integrate with your Marketing/Sales Platform. Our platform integrates with HubSpot, Eloqua, Marketo, and Salesforce, which means that data, like event registration, attendance data, and engagement metrics can be pushed directly to your marketing platform.

Once you’re logged into the WorkCast platform, you can connect directly to your Marketing/Sales platform and manage all your event connections.

Does WorkCast provide event reporting?

Yes, WorkCast’s webinar platform provides all users with event and channel reporting for your online events. Our events reporting feature allows you to view your webinar metrics via an online dashboard, which is downloadable. Top-level event statistics you’ll receive from the events reporting include the following:

  • Registrations
  • Registration page visits
  • Registration conversion rates
  • Attendees
  • Attendee page visits
  • Attendee to Registration Conversion Rate
  • Average Event Engagement

Channel reporting is only available on Producer+ and Enterprise licenses and allows you to group events into a single location (or channel) and then run a report to compile of list of statistics, which can be used for comparison reports. With our channel reporting feature, you’ll receive metrics for:

  • Attendance figures
  • Auditorium referrer breakdown
  • Average viewing duration
  • Data capture form page hits
  • Data capture form referrer capture
  • Documents and links clicked
  • Graded polls results
  • Known/Anon attendance figures
  • Poll results
What are the image specifications for my webinar?

There are multiple images that you can customize to suit your branding, which includes your logo, partner logo, splash images, background images, and email banner images.

For best results, we recommend that you optimize images to meet our suggested image best practice sizes and formats:

  • Company logo - a transparent PNG or JPEG, at least 500px wide
  • Background images - either a transparent PNG or JPEG at least 2,100px wide x 1000px high
  • Email banner images - PNG or JPEG, 600px wide
  • Splash image - 16:9 aspect ratio JPEG or PNG. Recommended size: 850px wide x 478px high
  • Registration page banner images - JPEG or PNG, at least 1,200px wide

If you’re unsure whether your chosen images are images for best results, you contact us to speak to an expert from our Design Team who will provide you with image best practice advice for you.


How do I add a partner logo or image to my webinar?

You can add a partner logo or image to the live event registration or auditorium page of your webinar by following these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Event Experience -> Extras tab -> Documents and Links and click ‘ADD’
  2. A pop-up will appear, so ‘Choose File’ and select the image you want
  3. Press the ‘Save’ button
  4. Copy the URL generated when you press ‘Save’ and navigate to the tab you want to add the content (i.e. registration or auditorium page) and click the ‘Content’ box
  5. Click on the ‘Image’ button (second from the bottom left)
  6. A pop-up will appear, so paste the URL that you have copied from the Documents and Links section
  7. Click ‘OK’, then press ‘Save’ on the green bar and preview your page check the image looks okay
Do WorkCast events have breakout rooms?

Yes, if presenters wish to speak amongst themselves in private, our online events platform allows you to move to a breakout room to do so, as the audio is not broadcast to the audience. Presenters can move to the webinar breakout room at the touch of the button by hitting * (star) on their phone.

Can you use virtual booths during online events?

During our virtual events and trade shows you can set up virtual booths for your sponsors. Webinar sponsorship is an effective way in which to generate revenue from your virtual events and the audience can access these sponsor booths from the virtual exhibition hall. These sponsored booths allow users to access a mixture of content, including promotional videos, graphics, links, and more.

Sponsors can also interact with audience members via a live chat or Q&A function within their virtual booth.

Presenter FAQs

I don't want to do my event live because I'm nervous. Is there an alternative?

We understand that hosting a live event can be nerve-racking, which is why we offer a pre-recorded, or Simulive, webinar option. With our pre-recorded webinars, you can record your live presentation from anywhere, without specialist equipment and you can redo audio, transitions, and more if you’re not happy with them.

The only restriction with pre-recorded webinars is that if you want to do a live Q&A, you will need to dial into the phone number provided by the platform when the slideshow finished playing to answer the audience’s questions.

Can presenters use their webcam during webinars?

As well as presenting your webinar live, you can broadcast your webcam during your webinar presentation. When creating a new event, or modifying an existing event, ensure the 'Presentation Type' is selected as one of the following options before launching the WorkCast Studio to connect your webcam:

  • Slides & Webcam: slides will always be displayed to your audience, with room for up to 3 presenters webcams to be displayed alongside slides
  • Slides & Full-Screen webcam: switch between displaying full-screen slides or full-screen webcams to your audience at different times
How do I use my webcam during my webinar?

If you want to enhance your webinar and create a more interactive experience for the audience, then you can choose to broadcast your webcam during the event. You can do this when creating a new event or modifying an existing event by selecting the following ‘Presentation Type’ options before launching the WorkCast Studio:

  • Slides & Webcam
  • Slides & Full Screen Webcam
  • Slides & Screenshare

Once you have chosen your Presentation Type, it’s time to set up your webcam and microphone. Firstly, ensure that your desktop computer or laptop has a fully-working microphone and webcam and that you are using a high-quality headset. Our camera/microphone uses WebRTC streaming technology, so if you are connecting your webcam you need to ensure you are using the latest versions of either Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.

Your webinar will always begin in slide mode, so once you’re in the Present tab and are broadcasting to your audience, hit the ‘Webcams’ button to swap views and share your webcam.

Can I share my screen with attendees?

Yes, you can share your screen, or even your webcam, with attendees during your webinar presentation to enhance the event experience. Screenshare within the WorkCast platform uses your browser to share your desktop, application or browser tab. However, the function uses WebRTC, so it needs to be used in conjunction with the latest versions of Google Chrome.

If you haven’t shared your screen in an event before, you’ll be prompted to add the Google Chrome WorkCast screenshare extension once in the WorkCast Studio, Media Hub, and 'My Connections' tab in order to share your screen with the audience during your webinar.

How do presenters connect to the WorkCast webinar platform?

For presenters who are looking to connect to a webinar within the WorkCast platform, you can do so by sending your presenters their login details directly from the WorkCast Platform. Simply click on the 'Email Login Details' button above the presenter information in your session and choose the presenters you wish to email.

Next, presenters will need to select their audio (microphone or dial-in via a bridge phone) and webcam options to connect to the platform in the ‘My Connections’ pod, where multiple presenters can connect simultaneously before presenting their webinar.

How do presenters dial into the webinar?

All webinars and online events are set up with a telephone dial-in number, so you can dial in from any global location, including the UK, US, and internationally.

To dial into your event as a presenter, you need to follow these easy steps:

  • Dial 1 or Dial 2 (or one of the international dial-in numbers)
  • Enter the Session PIN
  • Dial the User PIN when prompted

Presenters can also hit the * (star) on your telephone to move into a breakout room, where you other presenters can join also via telephone. This allows presenters to talk among themselves without the audience overhearing, as it’s separate from the main audio room.

Can my webinar attendees dial-in?

WorkCast provides a best-in-class viewer experience, including direct video and audio streaming to the audience experience as well as full mobile device support. Audience dial-in isn't required for your audience to enjoy the event, but if it's a requirement for your business it can be added to your event. The WorkCast Customer Success Team can provide additional details: cost variable based on the number of dial-ins, audience geographical location.

All events are set up with a presenter dial-in number. This allows presenters to dial into the event from any global location. US and UK numbers are provided as standard and others are available. Presenters also have easy options to move to a breakout room to speak in private.

Is there an attendee limit for my webinar?

It depends on what package you go with, but our most popular package accommodates 5000 attendees. Don't worry if you need more, we can accommodate more, just make sure you mention it when you are signing up, and our team can create customize a package for you.

Is there a limit on the number of webinars I can run?

No, there is no limit to the number of webinars you can run in a month with any of our webinar licenses. So, regardless of whether you’re using our Presenter+, Producer+ or Enterprise webinar package, you can run as anywhere from 1 webinar a month to 3 webinars a day if you like.

There is no limit to the number of webinars you can run, but there is a limit to the number of live webcasts and virtual events, so in these cases, we suggest you speak to one of our experts about any additional costs required to run these.

What if my attendees have poor internet connection?

To view any webinar on our platform, your attendees will need a good internet connection. If your attendees have a poor internet connection, then they could experience buffering, or pauses, in their event experience.

Generally, this could be because your attendees are sharing bandwidth with other devices or are connecting to your internet router via Wi-Fi and the signal quality is poor.

In this instance, we suggest attendees test their connection using WorkCast’s Connection Checker to ensure their computer’s compatibility for viewing webinars. Alternatively, they can disconnect other devices that are connected to their internet, move closer to the router, or try another browser - different browsers perform differently. Also, attendees should ensure that they close all unused windows, as they could be affecting the browser’s performance.

How do I send invitation emails for my webinars and online events?

WorkCast employs Mailgun to distribute registration confirmation and reminder emails. This transactional email API service allows WorkCast to optimize your emails for company firewalls, spam filters, and more. The emails will go to all registrants of your webinar.

How do I promote my webinar?

A common question we get here at WorkCast is how to promote a webinar online. When it comes to webinars, the days of "build it and they will come" are long gone, so you’ll need to spend as much time (or more) on promoting your webinar, as you have spent on creating it.

With so many resources in the marketer’s toolkit, the best way to promote a webinar is to approach it like a mini-campaign with a multi-channel approach. If you want to maximize the success of your webinar and generate as many leads as possible, then you should promote your webinars in the following ways:

  1. Create an optimized landing page promoting your webinar, with a form where people can register to attend
  2. Write a blog post about a similar topic and promote the webinar in the CTA
  3. Share the registration page on social media channels or as part of a Paid social campaign
  4. Create an email workflow to maximize attendance and engagement
  5. Pop the link to the webinar registration page in your email signature, so your recipients are aware of the upcoming webinar
  6. Create a hashtag for social media and own it

Read more in 7 Ways to Promote and Distribute Your Webinars.

What questions should I ask attendees on my webinar poll?

Polls are an effective way to interact with your attendees, as they allow you to gain further insight into your audience, receive feedback on your webinars and get ideas for future webinars.

However, the success of your webinar poll relies on asking the right questions, so we have compiled a list of webinar polling question examples to use during your event:

  • How did you hear about us?
  • How often are you running webinars?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this webinar?
  • Was this webinar useful?
  • What would you like to see next in our webinar?
  • Are you looking to buy X in X days?

The key to asking effective polling questions for webinars is to write questions that benefit the audience’s experience. With this in mind, you can try accompanying your poll questions with something like: “By answering this question, you will benefit in the following way…”

Once you have pushed your poll questions out, you can retrieve the results on the WorkCast platform by clicking Get Results. These results are compiled into a pie chart, which you can then publish to your audience, who can view them in a pop-up.

How do I respond to attendee questions?

Webinar hosts, regardless of your webinar license with WorkCast, can moderate and answer attendee questions - provided you have enabled questions in your event. To do this, simply select ‘Include Ask a Question’ in the Event Experiences tab of the WorkCast platform.

Once you are logged into the WorkCast Studio you will see a number of pods available to run within your event on the right-hand side, so ensure you open the ‘Attendee Questions' pod (or the webinar chat box). In order to monitor questions coming through, you will need to expand this pod and from there you can track, answer, and manage your questions.

All questions drop straight into your inbox and there is a maximum of 100 questions available in your inbox, so make sure you delete any irrelevant questions to make room for new ones. You can also drag and drop questions to change their order or appearance and select an action i.e. move to trash, mark as a priority, move to the inbox, or reply to attendee questions.

Finally, once you have replied to an attendee’s question you can choose to respond privately or publicly.

Can I charge for my online event?

Yes. In fact, charging for webinars and online events is one of the easiest ways to generate revenue from your webinars or webcasts.

The WorkCast platform offers a number of solutions to integrate payment facilities to your event, such as WorldPay, so you to activate payment on a session-by-session basis and add values in different currencies.

You also have the option to integrate our platform with your own CRM platform for various registration options. If you have an existing registration process, this can be linked to the WorkCast platform - allowing you to use your own payment option before passing the registration automatically to us.

Can my online event be linked to my product pages?

Yes. WorkCast offers a holistic approach to product demonstrations, including but not limited to standard webinars, screen shares, a resource download section, and post-event links that can direct your audience straight to your product page.

Still have questions?

Get in touch and we can help