WorkCast and GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation came into force in 2018 and regulates how businesses can use your data.

GDPR outlines lawful basis for processing personal data. There are six lawful grounds for personal data processing, one of which is the "legitimate interests of the controller or third party."

Within the area of legitimate interest, Recital 47 states that “[t]he processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be regarded as carried out for a legitimate interest.”

This does not mean that all direct marketing activities can be carried out via legitimate interest, however the regulations do state that "as long as the marketing is carried out in compliance with e-privacy laws and other legal and industry standards, in most cases it is likely that direct marketing is a legitimate interest."

What are the other ePrivacy laws?

The ePrivacy laws in question here are the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations or PECR. These regulations complement GDPR and set out more-specific privacy rights on electronic communications.

As WorkCast works primarily within a B2B model, we adhere to the Business to Business provisions within the PECR. These state that:

These rules on consent, the soft opt-in and the right to opt out do not apply to electronic marketing messages sent to ‘corporate subscribers’ which means companies and other corporate bodies eg limited liability partnerships, Scottish partnerships, and government bodies. The only requirement is that the sender must identify itself and provide contact details.

Thus, at WorkCast, we make it as easy as possible to unsubscribe from any and all communications. All of our emails comms include an unsubscribe option and the ability to update your communication preferences. If you would like to find out more about this, you can contact us directly at

If, at any time, you wish to see what your own preferences are and update them, you can do so.


Further Reading