Ultimate Guide to Starting a Podcast from Scratch Using Webinars

Starting a podcast can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re already managing other content like webinars. The thought of mastering new tools, coming up with fresh content, and building a dedicated audience can make the whole process seem like an impossible task. If you’re already creating webinars, you might be wondering how you can transition from live presentations to pre-recorded podcasts without losing the value of the content you’ve worked hard to produce. 

Without a clear roadmap, the can become a bit furstrating! Choosing the wrong equipment, struggling with audio quality, or feeling like you’re broadcasting into the void when listener numbers don’t meet expectations can lead to discouragement. Worse, you may spend hours crafting a podcast that doesn’t resonate with your target audience.

If you're not already reupurposing your valuable webinar content, and without the right strategy, your hard work in webinars may not transfer well to the podcast format. This results in wasted time, missed opportunities, and the risk of burning out as you juggle both webinars and podcast production. To better understand how these formats differ, check out our What's the Difference Between a Podcast and a Webcast blog.

The good news? You can leverage your existing webinar content to create a successful podcast, streamlining the process while ensuring your episodes are engaging and relevant to your audience. By repurposing your webinars, you save time and effort while maximising the value of your existing material.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through every step of launching your podcast—from planning and recording to promoting and monetising—so you can start podcasting with confidence and ease.

Step 1: Plan Your Podcast with Webinar Content

The easiest way to start a podcast is by repurposing content from your webinars. You already have valuable discussions, insights, and presentations that your audience found engaging, so why not convert that into podcast episodes? Begin by identifying your most successful webinars—those that generated strong interaction or posed questions that could serve as the foundation for episodes. Planning your podcast around this proven content saves time and ensures that your episodes are relevant to your listeners. As you prepare, create a content calendar to stay consistent with your podcast schedule, balancing fresh ideas with repurposed webinar material.

Step 2: Choose the Right Equipment

You don’t need a complicated setup to produce a professional podcast. In fact, if you’ve been hosting webinars, you likely already have most of what you need. A high-quality microphone, headphones, and simple recording software are enough to get started. Audio quality is essential, as poor sound can turn listeners away. Start by recording in a quiet space, and if needed, invest in affordable soundproofing tools. By keeping it simple, you can produce quality episodes without overspending, with the option to upgrade as your podcast grows in popularity.

Step 3: Record and Repurpose Your Webinar Content

Recording your podcast becomes easier when you repurpose your existing webinar content. One of the quickest and easiest ways to create a podcast from your webinars is by extracting the audio directly, as long as the audio quality is good! This method saves time and allows you to quickly get your podcast up and running. However, it's crucial to ensure that the audio quality is clear, professional, and free from distracting background noise.

Go through your recorded webinars and transcripts, selecting key takeaways and insights to feature in each episode. You can also split longer webinars into several focused podcast episodes, allowing you to maximise the use of your content. While webinars are often visual, podcasts are entirely auditory. Adapt your delivery to suit a listening audience by focusing on clear, engaging storytelling that translates well without the need for visuals.

Step 4: Edit with Ease

Editing doesn’t need to be a complicated or intimidating process. Start with basic techniques like removing pauses, filler words, or background noise to ensure your podcast sounds clean and professional. If you’re new to editing, free tools like Audacity or GarageBand offer simple, user-friendly options to get started. As you gain experience, you can experiment with more advanced features like adding intro music or using sound effects to enhance the listener experience. Don’t worry about perfecting your podcast from the start—focus on delivering clear, valuable content to your audience. 

Equally, if you're aiming for a more authentic and organic podcast experience, offering an 'unedited' experience may be right for your brand.

Step 5: Publish and Promote

With your episodes ready to go, the next step is sharing them with the world. Choosing the right podcast hosting platform is important—platforms like Buzzsprout, Anchor, and Podbean will host your podcast and distribute it to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Once you’ve uploaded your podcast, it’s time to promote it. Leverage your existing webinar audience by sharing your podcast through email campaigns, social media posts, and webinar follow-ups. You can even cross-promote by mentioning your podcast during webinars, creating a feedback loop that drives engagement across platforms.

Step 6: Monetise Your Podcast

Once your podcast gains traction, you can explore various monetisation strategies. If you’re already hosting webinars, you have an audience that may be interested in sponsoring both platforms. Create a sponsorship package that appeals to potential advertisers by highlighting your combined webinar and podcast reach. Alternatively, you can explore listener-supported models like Patreon, where fans contribute to your podcast in exchange for exclusive content. By aligning your monetisation strategy with your existing webinar audience, you open up new revenue streams for your business while continuing to add value to your listeners.

Step 7: Measure Success

Tracking the success of your podcast is crucial for growth. Use podcast analytics to monitor key performance metrics such as downloads, listener retention, and demographics. Understanding how your audience engages with your podcast helps you refine future episodes to better meet their interests. Just like with webinars, feedback is essential—encourage your listeners to leave reviews, engage on social media, or participate in listener surveys. By continuously improving based on data and feedback, you can build a loyal podcast following and expand your reach.


Starting a podcast doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By repurposing your existing webinar content, choosing the right tools, and planning strategically, you can create a successful podcast that resonates with your audience and enhances your brand. Whether you’re recording, editing, or promoting, this guide gives you the steps you need to confidently launch and grow your podcast. Use your webinars as a launching pad and take your first steps into the world of podcasting.




WorkCasts Guide To Webinars 2024

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