Company Netflix | WorkCast

In today's digital-first world, companies are continuously looking for new ways to engage their audiences, generate leads, and provide amazing customer experiences. One key player that has revolutionised the approach to content management and consumption is obviously Netflix.

What is the 'Company Netflix' Model?

WorkCast is innovating in the webinar space by adopting the 'Company Netflix' model. Our Webinar Libraries offer a comprehensive solution for companies looking for an innovative way to host and showcase their past, upcoming, and future webinars, webcasts, and business videos. These 'Company Netflix' solutions make content 'evergreen,' meaning it remains relevant and accessible for as long as you need it to be.

Features of the 'Company Netflix' Webinar Libraries

Fully Self-Servable

WorkCast gives you complete control over your content. Your team can effortlessly create and add events to your Webinar Library and decide which webinars to showcase.

Searchable Content

With advanced filters, your viewers can easily search for content by title or category, providing a smooth, efficient experience akin to searching for a movie on Netflix.

Meta Data and Tags for Simple Indexing

Organise your content with the help of metadata and tags, ensuring your webinars are easily navigable and discoverable.

Splash Images and Layouts

Customisable splash images and layouts add a unique aesthetic appeal to your Webinar Library, mirroring Netflix’s visually appealing interface.

Embeddable into Your Website

WorkCast Webinar Libraries can be embedded directly into your website for a seamless viewer experience.

Secure and Open Models

WorkCast ensures the security of your content, while also offering the flexibility of open models that enable easy access for your audience.

Registration Enabled

WorkCast allows for registration per event, helping businesses capture valuable lead information and audience insights.

Multiple Channels with Registration

With WorkCast, you can create multiple channels for your webinar content, all with registration features.

Channels and Registration in the 'Company Netflix' Model

Customers using these 'Company Netflix' solutions have many different channels, each with its own access and registration solution. Businesses can manage access to their corporate content, marketing, and CPD training separately. Unlike the Corporate Netflix model, WorkCast goes a step further by allowing certification for viewing content and even passing tests related to the content.

Advanced Features of WorkCast’s 'Company Netflix' Webinar Libraries

Similar to the Corporate Netflix experience, WorkCast’s Webinar Libraries offer advanced features to enhance user engagement and content management. These features include searchable content, metadata and tags for simple indexing, customisable splash images and layouts, embeddable libraries, secure and open models, and registration capabilities for capturing lead information.

Corporate Netflix Round-Up

By adopting a 'Company Netflix' model for webinar content, businesses can provide an unmatched user experience. This model offers the perfect solution for companies aiming to retain ownership of their webinars, generate leads, and offer a superior browsing experience to their viewers. Embracing the Corporate Netflix strategy could be your business's game-changer, providing a streamlined, accessible, and enjoyable content experience.

Get in touch with a product specialist for more insight into how adopting a 'Company Netflix' model can revolutionise your webinar strategy.

WorkCast's Ultimate Webinar Handbook eBook

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