The Rise of Virtual Events

Virtual events have fundamentally shifted the way we interact with one another and the direction of the event industry as a whole.

They're here to stay, but what can we expect from virtual events in the future? 

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2020. The year that redefined collaboration, content delivery, and communication.

A tsunami of in-person event cancellations and mass migration to virtual events fundamentally changed the DNA of events.

The days of mediocre conference breakfasts and 'it's more of a comment than a question' were firmly left in 2019, with a new era of digital-first engagement taking hold. Virtual events have taken center stage as the gold-standard in engagement and brand awareness.

But how exactly has the events industry changed as a result? And where do we go from here?

Our expert panel discuss how events - both virtual and physical - have changed across the pandemic, and what the future of virtual events looks like in 2021 and beyond.

Meet Your Panel

Rachel Charlton

Rachel Charlton

Head of New Business (EMEA), WorkCast

Stewart Kibby

Stewart Kibby

CEO, WorkCast

Jackie Moffett

Jackie Moffett

Lead Project Manager, WorkCast

Peter Groom

Peter Groom

Webcast Producer, WorkCast