Webinar, Webcast & Virtual Events Blog from WorkCast

How to Integrate WorkCast with HubSpot

Written by Natalie Parsons | May 21, 2024

Are you tired of manually managing registration and attendance data for your online events? Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to seamless automation with the integration of WorkCast and HubSpot. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to set up this integration and unlock a world of efficiency for your webinar management.

Before you dive in

First things first, make sure you're ready to go by following these preliminary steps:

  1. Reach Out to Support: Drop an email to support@workcast.com to activate the updated HubSpot integration for your account. This might take a few business days, so hang tight!
  2. Get Your API Key: Once activated, you'll receive an email from Support containing your WorkCast API key. Hold onto this, as you'll need it for the setup.

Getting started

Once you have your API Key, you're ready to start setting up your WorkCast integration with HubSpot. 

  1. Log In and Navigate: Head over to your WorkCast account, log in with your Producer credentials, then click on the account icon at the top right corner and select "Administration".
  2. Manage Integrations: From the Administration menu, click on "Manage Integrations".
  3. Select HubSpot Integration: Look for the HubSpot logo with the "new" icon and click on it.
  4. Authenticate Your HubSpot Account: Click on "New authentication" and follow the prompts to log in to your HubSpot account. No need to mess with API keys this time!
  5. Field Mapping: Once authenticated, you'll be prompted to add field mappings to specify where your WorkCast data should go in your HubSpot account.
  6. Confirm WorkCast Details: Enter your WorkCast Account ID (found in the top right corner of your WorkCast account) and the API key you received earlier.
  7. Complete Setup: Review your settings, click "Next", then "Finish" to complete the setup. Keep an eye out for the confirmation notification at the bottom left corner of the page.

Capturing your WorkCast event data in HubSpot

Wondering how your event data will appear in HubSpot? Here's the breakdown:

  • Contact Lists: Each event will generate two contact lists in HubSpot—one for registered attendees and one for those who actually attended.
  • Marketing Events: You'll also find a Marketing Event corresponding to each of your WorkCast events in HubSpot.

WorkCast and HubSpot integration best practices

To ensure smooth sailing with your integration, keep these tips in mind:

  • Consistent Naming: Stick to the naming conventions for lists and events generated by WorkCast to avoid confusion.
  • Field Mapping: Match up your WorkCast fields with corresponding fields in HubSpot to prevent any data mishaps.


And there you have it—your WorkCast events seamlessly integrated with your HubSpot account, saving you time and effort on event management. Sit back, relax, and let the automation take care of your registrations!